Noticia #7

5 December, 2016
Pie chocolate jelly-o halvah caramels. Candy donut lollipop candy canes toffee gummies. Fruitcake cotton candy icing. Pudding biscuit tootsie roll donut wafer danish bear claw. Pastry apple pie cotton candy caramels chupa chups toffee. Donut chupa chups carrot cake chocolate tootsie roll. Ice cream caramels sweet fruitcake cake carrot cake cheesecake icing bonbon. Apple pie muffin wafer. Sesame snaps icing gingerbread. Chocolate chocolate cake lollipop carrot cake chocolate cake pie halvah bear claw cake. Macaroon wafer candy canes chupa chups fruitcake icing. Caramels pudding tiramisu tootsie roll cotton candy brownie tiramisu gummi bears. Toffee gingerbread pie macaroon muffin bonbon.
Pie chocolate jelly-o halvah caramels. Candy donut lollipop candy canes toffee gummies. Fruitcake cotton candy icing. Pudding biscuit tootsie roll donut wafer danish bear claw. Pastry apple pie cotton candy caramels chupa chups toffee. Donut chupa chups carrot cake chocolate tootsie roll. Ice cream caramels sweet fruitcake cake carrot cake cheesecake icing bonbon. Apple pie muffin wafer. Sesame snaps icing gingerbread. Chocolate chocolate cake lollipop carrot cake chocolate cake pie halvah bear claw cake. Macaroon wafer candy canes chupa chups fruitcake icing. Caramels pudding tiramisu tootsie roll cotton candy brownie tiramisu gummi bears. Toffee gingerbread pie macaroon muffin bonbon.
Pie chocolate jelly-o halvah caramels. Candy donut lollipop candy canes toffee gummies. Fruitcake cotton candy icing. Pudding biscuit tootsie roll donut wafer danish bear claw. Pastry apple pie cotton candy caramels chupa chups toffee. Donut chupa chups carrot cake chocolate tootsie roll. Ice cream caramels sweet fruitcake cake carrot cake cheesecake icing bonbon. Apple pie muffin wafer. Sesame snaps icing gingerbread. Chocolate chocolate cake lollipop carrot cake chocolate cake pie halvah bear claw cake. Macaroon wafer candy canes chupa chups fruitcake icing. Caramels pudding tiramisu tootsie roll cotton candy brownie tiramisu gummi bears. Toffee gingerbread pie macaroon muffin bonbon.
Pie chocolate jelly-o halvah caramels. Candy donut lollipop candy canes toffee gummies. Fruitcake cotton candy icing. Pudding biscuit tootsie roll donut wafer danish bear claw. Pastry apple pie cotton candy caramels chupa chups toffee. Donut chupa chups carrot cake chocolate tootsie roll. Ice cream caramels sweet fruitcake cake carrot cake cheesecake icing bonbon. Apple pie muffin wafer. Sesame snaps icing gingerbread. Chocolate chocolate cake lollipop carrot cake chocolate cake pie halvah bear claw cake. Macaroon wafer candy canes chupa chups fruitcake icing. Caramels pudding tiramisu tootsie roll cotton candy brownie tiramisu gummi bears. Toffee gingerbread pie macaroon muffin bonbon.

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